Thursday, December 4, 2008

Life Is Too Short!

Life is too short:

1. For bad relationships

2. For conflict and drama

3. For bad choices

4. For missed opportunities

5. For us to be wasting time

6. For us not to be on our grind

7. For us to take love and those we love for granted

8. For us not to fulfill our dreams

9. For us to sweat people and things we cannot change

10. For us not to be happy

Live for today and tomorrow

I Need Some Comic Relief!! my all time faves!

So after a crazy week from hell I definately need some comic relief!! These are some videos that keep a smile on my face! The first video is bruce from Family Guy...gotta love him!! then we have nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey morning show, a howard stern prank call, stewart from mad tv, etc...ENJOY!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The World Reaction to President Elect Barack Obama

On November 4th, the world witnessed history in the making with the victory of Barack Obama. As an American, I wondered how the rest of the world reacted to this significant moment.

Among jews all over the world, there was a mixed reaction. Many were overjoyed with the outcome of the election. Many expressed concerns about Israel's security with Obama as president. They wondered if Obama would put Israel and the Middle East on his top agenda.

Indians and Indian Americans for the most part were huge supporters and admirers of the Obama/Biden ticket. Joe Biden is well known and also a good friend of the Indian and Indian-American community so they are confident that this change will inspire greater change in the US. Their only concern was the tax plan that called for people with an income of $250,000 + to pay higher taxes.

For months I followed the campaign trail and watched Obama's intelligence constantly insulted, his character assassinated, and every move he made was constantly judged. I personally witnessed a racial divide like I have never before seen. These are some of the comments and beliefs that were posted all over the internet.
This facebook group above was created to expose the people who thought it was cool to write hate speech in their facebook status. JW Jarvis created a photo album with the pictures and hateful postings that students were writing after Obama's win. Facebook contacted J and told him that his account would be deleted if he did not take down this album, but nothing was done to those whose statuses were talking about the assissination of Obama among other hateful things.

It really stinks how America takes pride in setting the example for other countries to follow and we still have these issues: racial tensions, extreme hatred for one another, the belief that one person is better than another based on skin color.

I personally am very happy for Obama, I feel like he has inherited a big mess. I feel like people are still looking for reasons to hate him and he has not even been sworn into office yet. People just need to stop being ignorant, stop letting their prejudice control their lives, and give the man a chance to do his job just like you would any other president.